Friday, April 10, 2009

My Easter Photos with anticipation for Spring

~~ GOOD MORNING! ~ How are you doing, in your corner of the Earth. Have you nice weather coming up for the weekend? Here in Wi., it has warmed, the wind has died down. I am not sure if there is a chance for rain, which usually happens at this time of year. I don't mind though, cause I think we might need some rain [ not snow, lol ] Easter, rain, and spring run together in my mind.

You know what, just maybe Spring is around the corner. Easter always is the forerunner for anticipation of Spring for me. I even went out for some pics. As a result of that excursion, I took some inside photos too. I have stretched out a few here, as they seemed a little small.??

You can see here a high table? With a birdcage. I love these fake birdcages. I was able to find at a Crazy day's stop [on a whim] on a trip through New Ulm on the way to my Mothers. That little habit is a blog of itself. So I won't elaborate right now. The plant inside getting west filtered sun is the White geranium from last summer. If I move it back to southern exposure, it might start flowering soon. It's a secret where I found some hard boiled Easter eggs.!! Well you never know who your readers are.! I do wish I could have had a decent palm tree for this shot. Mine has suffered this winter, cause I left it out in the sun last fall. You can see by this shot that I was setting the mood for Easter.

Another version with less flash. I wasn't able to crop or do any of my editing on any of these pictures. Except for the one photo, which I lost above. I had painted part of the photo on the table scarf mom made with Rudolphs red nose to brown so he could become a Bambie.

I decided to add it there. at the last minute. The idea was of course of babies born in spring. Remember Bambi and Flower. They are all a twitter about spring love. {Spring - See note 1}
Does this object look familiar? Yes it is the same high table ... or podium .. or even yet .. It is a Pulpit. Very Easter fitting wouldn't you say? I removed the top slanted book holder with a light, which, will come in handy at another point [wink] and time. Do you see the object to the left. I found it the same time that I found the Pulpit for free. I could have gone back for the desk they put there this week. But I told a friend about that, and I hope he gets over for it. No one seems to want it as it was there for a few days. You can't beat free.

I spent a little time on Photographing Easter this year. In spite of the fact that I had computer problems galore. I am running Windows xp professional, and I don't have my Kodak program for editing, that I usually use. But at least I was able to upload digital photos from my camera. [I am trying to get used to the new features of my new cheap laptop. ] If you look at my profile, you will see my other blogs have various types of schemes. I am saving one more for after Easter.

note 1 : A friend of mine in the past mentioned to me his theory about Easter and Christmas. He always said they were like mixed up. He said for birth, etc which happen naturally in many countries in the spring. so Christmas should be in the spring. I do agree with him, as it would be nicer too. Of course if we never had known Christmas with Snow.

We know from historical accounts that December 25 th - Christmas is not really the actual time of Christs birth. Maybe it was spring in the old countries.
But to me then, Easter in religious
sense is a renewal of life or spirit.

My belief is that Jesus arose from the dead, thus
being a renewal.
Just as the dead grass and the seemingly dead plants come
alive again.
I do think Easter is just as fitting to be in the
As one does some spirit renewal at new years, I think spring is that way
for me. It's a second chance for my cottage. There are always
special new plans from winter dreams of all sorts for
my garden,

Note 2: [As wll as my personal plans of self renewal which happen as the weather warms and I reflect back to ideas brought on before with the old new years resolutions] Save that for another blog.

With that thought of things to do, I really must get some housework done, before the children get home for the Holiday. Groceries haave to be gotten, some cooking has to be done, etc.


1 comment:

arootdigger2 said...

I have an idea of putting the pulpit on wheels. That way the whole thing can be turned and I can store my magazines in that spot. I might try using some shelving as well. so I can go high. It might have worked in the kitchen as well as a secret pantry!!